Apply by January 18th to Design Week 2024 — call for entries

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Apply by January 18th to Design Week 2024 — call for entries
“We have lost the pleasure of being together. Thirty years of precariousness and competition have destroyed social solidarity. Media virtualization has destroyed the empathy among bodies, the pleasure of touching each other, and the pleasure of living in urban spaces. We have lost the pleasure of love, because too much time is devoted to work and virtual exchange”. Francesco Bifo Berardi and Geert Lovink. 2011. “A Call to the Army […]

“Art, design and architecture: reflection and extension of society” Erica Petrillo, Curator-in-residence at BASE Milano

“Art, design and architecture: reflection and extension of society” Erica Petrillo, Curator-in-residence at BASE Milano
Erica Petrillo participates in the fourth edition of We Will Design 2024, In-Difference, as Curator-in-residence. “The lens through which I look at the fields of art and culture steers away from mere aesthetic considerations. Reflecting my background, I am interested in art, design, architecture as reflections and continuations of sociopolitical phenomena, contexts and communities; but also as tools for research, […]


We Will Design: through micro-utopias and fictional institutions.

From 6 to 12 June 2022, BASE presents the second edition of “We Will Design”:designers from all over the world, schools, universities, international institutions and young students gather in an experimental laboratory of imagination and inclusion, in which design practices and experiences become a tool to read – and, sometimes, solve – the many contradictions of our present, between upcoming visions, ideals of everyday life and micro-utopias.


Abadir, Analogique, Anna Baldocchi, University of Borås, Giulio Bordonaro, Joppe Broers, Goliath Dyèvre, Thibault Dupille, Nicoletta Gomboli, Eun Hi Kyung, IED Milano, Matthieu Henry, Valentine Maurice, Adarsh Nellore, FestivalDivercity, NID, NOI Libreria, PARASITE 2.0, Johanna Reymann, Rebecca Schedler, Studio Sophia Schullan, studio.traccia, Francesca Tambussi, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Kim van den Belt.


On the first floor there will be Exhibit: a large exhibition that collects the works of emerging designers, design studios, academies and universities, becoming a place of research and experimentation with a focus on new perspectives of design.


casabase – the BASE guesthouse – becomes a Temporary Home and is transformed into a unique residence for five young designers from France, Germany, England and Holland, invited to reflect, in particular, on the theme of the circular economy.
These rooms will offer a vision on different avant-garde scenarios, becoming for a week at the same time home and place of experimentation of designers, who will develop, exhibit and tell their projects to the public.


Responding in music to the visions of the future society: We Will Design, the Design Week to be held at BASE Milano, will also be MUSIC: from 5 to 11 June BASE will host a real music parade to accompany all the evenings during the Milan Design Week.

The courtyard and the indoor rooms of BASE will see in consoles more than 15 artists from the underground world who will present every evening live sets and performances from sunset until late at night. The evenings range from selection of vinyl records to experimental music.


Curated by Isabella Musacchia and Arianna Giorgia Bonazzi.

From 6 to 12 June, BASE brings you 3 child-friendly occasions to visit the We Will Design Exhibit and become art critics with a little help from Arianna Giorgia Bonazzi and Isabella Musacchia. Throughout Design Week at BASE, the installations will be accompanied by descriptions created with our younger visitors in mind. 


What would happen if the new generations were to “draw” the world?
“They Will Design” involves students between 18 and 26 years from Italian and international universities, academies and training places, to deconstruct and rethink the concept of “institution” starting from an imaginative dimension.
The themes on which students are called to reflect are five – Integration and Inclusion, Digitalization, Female Diversity and Empowerment, Environmental Sustainability and Circular economy and Generations in comparison.