RGD Furniture — Falsework & Bovrie

by Falsework & Bovrie

RGD Furniture showcases the first results of an ongoing study into the design and manufacture of a sustainable, modular construction system for furniture and interiors. This system aims to fuse adaptability and coherence: while it allows (and encourages!) creative and unpredictable uses, it ensures that each object remains a recognisable part of an ever growing assemblage at the same time. This particular quality offers a solution to a compelling challenge: how can we introduce, or make visible, a unifying element within a heterogeneous group of users with equally heterogeneous demands?

Tim Peeters

Falsework is an office for architecture and urbanism that designs, studies and interprets spaces and objects as elements within a social and civic context. Bovrie is a kitchen and furniture manufacturer that combines tradition with technology, fabricating bespoke interiors focusing on craft as well as twenty-first century production methods. 

This project is funded by Stimuleringsfonds / Creative Industries Fund NL, the Dutch national cultural fund for design, architecture and digital culture. It funds innovative, often interdisciplinary design projects.

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