FAROUT Live Arts Festival gruppo nanou — redrum


Where everything happens, has always happened and will happen again.

An imaginary place that is both non-existent and familiar, capable of evoking a haunting vision populated by ghosts and memories, where the boundaries between reality, dream, and desire blur.

redrum—the first chapter of the new multi-year project Overlook Hotel by the group nanou—is a choreographic installation for five dancers and one performer. It redefines the rules of theatrical ritual to transform the performance into a space to inhabit: the choreographic action has no boundaries between stage and audience, blending the real with the improbable, altering common perception, and inviting the viewer to explore a world where the lines between true and false dissolve, allowing an object to unfold before the eyes in a unique and perhaps, if we’re lucky, unrepeatable way. In redrum, everything happens, has always happened, and will happen again.


gruppo nanou was founded in 2004 as a place where body, sound and image find a common language in choreography, giving life to an organic work. Since 2019, the sound imaginary is realized by Bruno Dorella, founder of musical groups such as OvO, Ronin and Bachi da Pietra. Since 2020 gruppo nanou has collaborated with visual artist Alfredo Pirri, who curated the scene for the project Paradiso, finalist for the UBU 2022 awards in the categories “best dance performance” and “best set design”.


Choreographies: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci

Original music: Bruno Dorella

With: Carolina Amoretti, Marina Bertoni, Rhuena Bracci, Andrea Dionisi, Agnese Gabrielli, Marco Maretti

Scenes and lighting: Marco Valerio Amico

Costumes: Rhuena Bracci

Production: Nanou Associazione Culturale, Ravenna Festival, Operaestate Festival Veneto, Hangartfest

Support: Anghiari Dance Hub, Teatro Sociale Gualtieri, Ravenna Ballet Studio

Contribution: MIC, Emilia-Romagna Region, Municipality of Ravenna

  • Durata 180'
  • This performance: is itinerant within the space, does not include poetic audio description. If you have specific demands, please write to us at farout@base.milano.it

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