
We are neither here nor there, hovering between two languages, two cultures, the past and the future, searching for a space of identity, present and other, constantly oscillating between the two poles.

Out of place, a-topos. A presence that always seems to be in the wrong place, as Edward Said would say, without finding a location in either origin or destination. This condition of “a-topos,” according to Abdelmalek Sayad, is recurrent in the migration experience, evoking a perception of self in the “double absence” between the place of origin and the place of arrival: the uprooting and the lack of one’s country, the bled, combined with the feeling, once one arrives in Europe, of never being quite at home.

Those who have experienced diaspora seek what they left behind in the country of origin, without finding it in the country of arrival. “Barrani,” in Tunisian, means foreigner, ‘the one who comes from outside (el barra),’ the one who has made the journey to Europe. This work is dedicated to us, the diaspora generation, non-native European citizens, and interrogates, on an individual and collective level, departure and arrival, desire and its limits, the present to be built and the past as memory.

Stability, mobility, what I take with me and what I leave behind. Nostalgia, exile and mother tongue are the colors of a nonlinear time travel, where presence is double and connected, memory a refuge and the body an archive of gestural rituals that constitute home. “Barrani” is a performance-concert in which dance, poetic word and sound research allow a new writing of the self, between present, past and future, in an intermediate space that exists only during the performance: the space of narration.


Corps Citoyen الجسد المواطن is a collective platform that produces shared and multidisciplinary projects but also individual works of the group’s artist in collaboration with altr artists and professionalists. The collective was founded in 2013 in Tunis, where it operated until 2018; since 2018, the collective has been based in Milan. Parallel to its artistic production, since 2020 Corps Citoyen has created the curatorial project Milano Mediterranea.


with: Rabii Brahim, Manuel D’Onofrio 

direction: Anna Serlenga  

dramaturgy: Tolja Djokovic 

Choreography and external gaze: Hafiz Dhaou e Aicha M’Barek 

Light Design: Manuel D’Onofrio  

music: Manuel D’Onofrio e Rabii Brahim 

text: Tolja Djokovic, Rabii Brahim 

Excerpts freely taken from Bayo Akomolafe, Anna Akhmatova, Mahmoud Darwish, Niccolò Machiavelli, Forough Farrokhzad 

Costume: Lucia Gallone 

Production: Alessandra Di Pilato
CORPS CITOYEN, BASE Milano, Operaestate; Milano Mediterranea   

with the support of: Archive Milano e Zona K 

  • Duration 75'
  • Doors opening at 20:45
  • This show: is enjoyed from sedut, is in Arabic language, includes a brochure with Italian translation, does not include LIS translation, does not include poetic audio description, includes loud sounds. for any request, please write to us at farout@base.milano.it

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