
Valerie Tameu in residency at BASE
Valerie Tameu in residency at BASE
An emotional journey through family and collective history: a fragmented identity rediscovered among objects, recorded voices and personal memories. In...
Rooy Charlie Lana in residency at BASE
Rooy Charlie Lana in residency at BASE
What if fragility and sexual arousal are not such distant concepts in the experience of pornography? "Nei porno non piove"...
CLOSED CALL! ENdangered ENsemble — call for two artistic residencies
CLOSED CALL! ENdangered ENsemble — call for two artistic residencies
call chiusa
ENdangered ENsemble is a call for two artistic residencies aimed at artistic ensembles/assemblies wishing to explore contemporary practices and languages,...
ROOM03: Radical Rituals 45ºN 1ºW-45ºN 35ºE — forty five degrees
ROOM03: Radical Rituals 45ºN 1ºW-45ºN 35ºE — forty five degrees
In Radical Rituals, we collect spatial protocols following an imaginary line: the 45°N parallel. This line crosses Europe, from the Atlantic...
ROOM05: Without a House — Sophie Conroy
ROOM05: Without a House — Sophie Conroy
“Where is home?". In a six month long experiment, Sophie Conroy chose to live without her own house in the...
ROOM01: Found in Translation — Computer Room
ROOM01: Found in Translation — Computer Room
“Found in Translation” takes 5 stories from 5 people in 5 languages and translates them into 5 interpretations to inspire...
ROOM04: MOULTING — Erica Curci
ROOM04: MOULTING — Erica Curci
People are not just people. They are an awful lot of microbes too. The superficial layer of our body is...
ROOM02: Angeli’s the light — Montjoi Institut
ROOM02: Angeli's the light — Montjoi Institut
It was four years of attempts to find a good life in industrial Eindhoven, the city of light. Years spent...
Al Aassifa العاصفة – NAVIGARE LA TEMPESTA: partecipa all’Open Call di Milano Mediterranea
Al Aassifa العاصفة - NAVIGARE LA TEMPESTA: partecipa all'Open Call di Milano Mediterranea
closed call
How to resist and find a route? What is the role of a cultural project that you want political and...
“Art, design and architecture: reflection and extension of society” Erica Petrillo, Curator-in-residence at BASE Milano
"Art, design and architecture: reflection and extension of society" Erica Petrillo, Curator-in-residence at BASE Milano
Erica Petrillo participates in the fourth edition of We Will Design 2024, In-Difference, as Curator-in-residence. "The lens through which I...

So... is this getting serious?

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