DeremCo – Europe for a New Life of Composite Materials

by BASE Milano

DeremCo, an acronym for “De-and Remanufacturing for Circular Economy Investments in the Composite Industry”, is a project under the Interregional Innovation Investments (l3) program. Supported by the European Union, DeremCo tackles the challenge of regenerating end-of-life composite materials, such as glass fiber or carbon fiber reinforced plastics from decommissioned wind turbine blades or ship hulls.

At We Will Design 2025, DeremCo presents the results of its work in an immersive and circular installation. Visitors will discover how, through innovative technologies, the reuse of composite materials and components becomes possible, economically advantageous, and capable of generating high-value solutions for various sectors: automotive, energy, construction, sports, furniture and aerospace.

The DeremCo consortium is coordinated by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano and brings together 30 research institutes, industries, and innovation hubs from Austria, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain: Tampere University (TAU), Faculty of Polymer Technology (FTPO), VELTHA IVZW, Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation (TECNALIA), Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.P.A. (CENTROCOT), NTS S.P.A., Business Upper Austria (BIZUP), WOOD K PLUS, R&D Consulting G.M.B.H. & CO. (R&D), FIBEREUSE TECH, O.P.S. BREZNIK, CARACOL S.R.L., VEPLAS, HOLONIX, Carbon CleanUP G.M.B.H. (CCU), TECHNOL, TURNAPLAST, Polymer Group (CAP), Ingeniería Y Desarrollos de Composites (IDEC), BIRZIPLASTIC, Greenthesis S.P.A. (ATH), META Group S.R.L., TEHNOS ZALEC, Origoni e Steiner Architetti Associati (OS), Enel Green Power (EGP), Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia (AFIL), Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro (CCDRC).

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