An experiment in creating the world, learning the opposite: we delve into the open, the undefined, the relational.
We do not possess knowledge, we inhabit it. We do not learn alone, we learn with, through, alongside. Becoming lore does not aim to recover lost folklore, but to create new kinship and new bonds. Unhinging the boundaries that keep us apart. To be open and to open in return.
An invitation to unlearn the hunger for definition and embrace ambiguity instead, to let the forest tell its story and meet it with our own. In the Apuan Alps, we will listen not to extract knowledge, not to translate nature into data, but to become part of the tale. Six participants will step out of the anthropocentric rhythms they know to enter a story, which unravels in whispers, in firelight, in the blurring of dreaming and waking.
When the experience leaves the forest, it does not end. The exhibition is not a static archive, but another phase of history that changes, distorts, escapes certainty. What is real? What is fiction? Does it matter?
The museum space, with its claims to authority, is playfully revealed: labels change, meanings shift, artifacts appear and disappear.