Mercoledì, 14 Giugno
Anteprima: Performing Architecture
The associated artists are collaborators, partners, and allies in the realization of BASE’s artistic production and territorial projects. For the three-year period 2022/2024, BASE has chosen to support the work of Elisabetta Consonni, Corps Citoyen (Anna Serlenga and Rabii Brahim) and MOMBAO (Anselmo Luisi and Damon Arabsolgar ) who have accompanied our Program with co-curatela paths, moments of openness to […]
Aperitivo Designed by Campari Soda
The associated artists are collaborators, partners, and allies in the realization of BASE’s artistic production and territorial projects. For the three-year period 2022/2024, BASE has chosen to support the work of Elisabetta Consonni, Corps Citoyen (Anna Serlenga and Rabii Brahim) and MOMBAO (Anselmo Luisi and Damon Arabsolgar ) who have accompanied our Program with co-curatela paths, moments of openness to […]