Mercoledì, 14 Giugno
Anteprima: Performing Architecture
SUPER CAPSULE Andrea d’Amore explores conviviality and food as artistic practices, transforming each space into an opportunity for cohabitation and interdependence between human and non-human beings. In his work, the act of feeding becomes an aesthetic and relational act, in line with the Making Kin theme, where food is a medium of connection and a tool for rethinking forms of […]
Aperitivo Designed by Campari Soda
SUPER CAPSULE Andrea d’Amore explores conviviality and food as artistic practices, transforming each space into an opportunity for cohabitation and interdependence between human and non-human beings. In his work, the act of feeding becomes an aesthetic and relational act, in line with the Making Kin theme, where food is a medium of connection and a tool for rethinking forms of […]