Biomimetic Studies for Well-Being in Modern Workspaces.
A Fusion of Nature and Innovation: Utilization and transfer of biomimetic mechanisms of wood into the design of a new form and properties of furniture, interior, and housing.
IThe project draws inspiration from nature to tackle the functional and aesthetic challenges of interior design. Positioned at the intersection of art, science, and biomimetics, BioWoodesign explores the concept of emulating the characteristics, properties, and structures of wood and living trees. The tree thus becomes a metaphor—a symbol of growth, flexibility, interconnection, and adaptability. From this metaphor emerges an object designed for modern office environments, promoting well-being, biophilia, regeneration, and collaborative thinking.
By analyzing the unique characteristics of wood—from cellular structure to water transport mechanisms, resilience, and flexibility—BioWoodesign embodies nature’s intrinsic efficiency as a key to forward-thinking solutions that meet human needs. Like a Tree in the Wind is a study of nature aimed at creating better spaces for people, inspired by trees’ ability to adapt to the wind and harness light for growth.
The object presented is a hybrid between sculpture, biomimetic tree, and innovative design. Like a tree in the wind, it embodies flexibility, adaptability, and interconnection, offering a unique combination of privacy, regeneration, and focus. It is not just a design element but a metaphor for life in motion: a tree that grows, connects, and protects. The design is rooted in the natural properties of trees, replicating their ability to withstand wind and tension through structures that dynamically adapt to their environment. Flexible modules, inspired by the junctions between trunks and branches, allow for spatial transformation. The use of light is based on the principle of diffusion through biominerals found in leaves (cystoliths). This approach generates regenerative and photobiomodulation effects for users, creating a true “light shower.” The organic shapes of the modules are inspired by phi thickenings in roots, which serve as natural structural reinforcements.
The project explores new alliances between people, nature, and technology, proposing a model that reflects the interdependent ecosystems found in nature. The metaphorical tree becomes a powerful symbol of interconnection and mutual care, inspiring more mindful and responsible ways of living and working. Through this exploration, we demonstrate how design can not only create functional spaces but also foster cultural change toward a more conscious and sustainable future.
Design: Marian Ihring, Zuzana Tončíková
Parametric modeling: Mário Pelka
Visualisations: Patrícia Pančíková
Makers: I2industry
Wood science: Rastislav Lagaňa
Biologists: Jaroslav Ďurkovič, Ján Kováč
Visual communication: Miroslav Chovan, Viktória Ihringová
Curator: Elena Farkašová, René Baďura
bioWoodesign è un progetto di ricerca interdisciplinare sostenuto dall’Agenzia slovacca per la ricerca e lo sviluppo del Ministero dell’Istruzione, della Scienza e della Ricerca, incentrato sull’intersezione tra arte e design.