FuckUp Nights 34


When the fail is epic

Ambition and stumbles, perfect strategies and crashing plans, tiny mistakes and cosmic disasters. If by making mistakes you learn, then FuckUp Nights Milan is a master. The exact opposite of TED Talks – which talk about ideas worth spreading – here we celebrate mistakes worth telling.

The formula is always the same (and works great): three exceptional storytellers take the stage to talk, unfiltered, about their biggest professional failures. Low blows, lessons learnt and the pleasure of laughing about them.

This edition’s guests:
Andrea Bellati, biologist
Augusto Coppola, co-founder of Cloud Accelerator
Jessica Sagratella, copywriter and creative strategist


FuckUp Nights is the event that transforms failure from taboo to turning point. Each meeting brings to the stage entrepreneurs, creatives and professionals who share their epic failures in an informal and unabashed setting. The objective? To overturn the success narrative and discover that, behind every mistake, there is an opportunity for a better start.

Networking, true stories and some bitter laughter: because in a world obsessed with success, every now and then you need someone to say ‘OK, but do you want to know how it really went?’.

So... is this getting serious?

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