With Clessidre, talismani per abitare il tempo, BASE’s associate artists — Elisabetta Consonni, Corps Citoyen and MOMBAO — and the temporary community they host, reflect on other ways of creating history and stories, like a game of overturning the hourglass where the past becomes the future and vice versa, dismantling the linear conception weather. A circular vision that also embraces space, which opens porous, nomadic and itinerant, to unite different people and places, rewrite political geographies and hierarchies, leaving body and imagination free.
H10 — 13
#workshop ↘ Ground Hall
Diasporic Imagination / Immaginazione diasporica
con Daniel Blanga Gubbay
What are the only forms of imaginative connection beyond a territorial unit? What is its history, its political potential but also the risks of a romantic reading of an inaccessible territory? And how to think about the idea of diasporic imagination not only in its strictest political meaning but as the imagination of a body beyond the body? Finally, the diasporic imagination is a door to rethink the relationship with time, stitching together the categories of past, present and future.
H14 — 15:30
#workshop #assemblea ↘ learningROOMS
con Pietro Porro
Pietro Porro, master of the gesture in the ancient art of anarchocalligraphy, will present some documents of the Agreed Declaration of Peace, a vast work written in an invented script, composed by more than 7000 documents, to propose through soft anarchocalligraphy the fulfillment of an ultra-utopian perspective of resource redistribution.
H15:30 — 16
#lecture ↘ Ground Hall
Una irriducibile diversità. Le fonti orali per la storia
con Chiara Paris
Oral sources originate from specific and very singular points of view and represent the key to access a subjective dimension of historical experience. In addition to being useful tools for reconstructing the past, they allow people’s experiences to be integrated into the historical dimension, opening bridges between History with a “capital H” and “small history”, attentive to detail and the narrative dimension of history.
The intervention will present the specificities of the oral source, that is its character of irreducible diversity, the result of a practice – the Interview – which co-constructs its sources by supporting a relational and multi-vocal movement.
Because these are documents that would not exist without this desire to ask questions, overcome resistance and get involved.
We will see how the relational character inherent in the oral source takes the form not only as a dialogic relationship between several people – or between the “official version” of history and individual stories – but also as a tendency to create points of contact between the memory of the past and the context of the present where the interview takes place.
H16 — 18
#workshop ↘ learningROOMS
On becoming aware
con Valentina Ragno
The body has memory of the past, the body is an instrument of perception of the present, the body experiences the future in the form of intuition. Valentina Ragno, professional of the Grinberg method, will lead a workshop to refine the attention capacity of the physical body and the emotional body, to make the body a place of perception, depriving it of the filter of personal history.
H18 — 19
#installazione #performance ↘ BASE Milano — Capsula
Zona di ablazione
con Neunau
Zona di ablazione is an audiovisual performance that tells and summarizes 24 hours of melting activity on the Adamello glacier through sound and temperatures. The data was collected using 4 bioacoustic recorders, scientifically placed in the belly of crevasses, fissures and surfaces during the summer of 2021 and 2022 obtaining 9180 hours of sound and temperature recordings.
The performance shows the scientific data collected, creating an engaging perceptive and emotional dimension, allowing an unprecedented point of view on the implications and negative consequences of climate change on fragile ecosystems. In fact, 92% of Alpine glaciers risk disappearing by the end of this century.
From a sonic point of view, “Zona di Ablazione” entrusts the composition to the glacier itself which orchestrates its own demise using its expressive alphabet. The low frequencies linked to the powerful subglacial torrent that flows at the base of the glacier create a hypnotic and menacing drone; while the cascade of fusion, thuds, roars, dynamic movements, structural collapses, screeches generate notes on the medium and high frequencies, the result of reactions between water, ice and air.
“A Sound in Extinction” is an experimental research project aimed at monitoring the implications of climate change on Alpine glaciers through the analysis of sound, an initiative divided into educational, artistic and scientific activities; the initiative was created in 2020 by sound artist NEUNAU in collaboration with universities, institutions and partners.