FAROUT Live Arts Festival: The Convivial Laboratory Pietro Pagella — Elogio dello Sbagli(at)o


A guided tasting experience of the Negroni cocktail in its ‘sbagliato’ version

The event, in the form of a conversation lasting about an hour, proposes a sensory and conceptual de-tour around the importance of bitter taste in cultures and the meaning that, sometimes unconsciously, we attribute to origin myths in food.
People who are ‘unsuitable’, ‘out of place’, and ‘anomalous’ are truly welcome in this space of word and thought: by inhabiting it together, we will have the opportunity to explore the concept of serendipity, in food but not only, and to reason about the sense of being wrong and feeling wrong today.
A small meeting, intimate and informal, around a drink and a dish, at the end of which each person will bring home stories, experiences and perceptions of wrong and wrong-doing, creating the opportunity to experiment with new forms of im/possible coexistence.
  • Duration 90'
  • This meeting: can be enjoyed seated, is in Italian, does not include LIS, does not include poetic audio description

    Less is more? In some cases, yes. As in this meeting! We have a limited number of places available. Therefore, if you have booked your place but cannot make it, we ask you to return your ticket to the waiting list so that another person can attend.

    We will be happy to answer any questions you may have, write to us at farout@base.milano.it

    In collaboration with: Erica Petrillo

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