PRESENT! at FAROUT Live Arts Festival 2024

PRESENT! is a hymn to being there, to looking at us, to positioning us. In English it means now, now, but also gift, something that suddenly materializes in the form of a gift.

by Redazione

PRESENT! is a two-day event inside the FAROUT festival at BASE Milano dedicated to accessibility, to being there as identities, people, bodies, as a community sharing a being-in-the-world. The ! is a call to action. The field of art has always been a ground for change and transformation is in the cycle of everything. I like to imagine the FAROUT festival as an amber stone that encloses within it a precious object: PRESENT!; the dense and almost opaque material protects what it contains, but makes it visible and strong over time. Precious are the gaze and sweetness of Kelly Ardens, the brazen and omnivorous dimension of Diana Anselmo, the delicacy and silent dance of Marta Bellu, and the poetry and irony of Giuseppe Comuniello and Camilla Guarino. So are their performance works, their ideas. Valuable is curator Linda Di Pietro because with her we can imagine an impossible sky and then see it happen above our heads. The desire that moves us is to get out, to get out of an enabling society, to get out of the spaces — out of the boundaries that someone has decided are right for bodies. Seek me and get out said Amelia Rosselli, therefore, Seek us and get out!
See you at Base Milano!
Giulia Traversi


You Have To Be Deaf To Understand
Diana Anselmo

You Have to Be Deaf to Understand is an immersive performance inspired by the play of the same name written in the 1970s by Willard J. Madsen, Deaf professor of English literature at Gallaudet University. The show is a profound exploration of the lived experience of deafness, its language and culture.

saturday 5 oct, 18:30 tickets on dice ↗

Il Margine
Kelly Ardens

A tale in the making about mental health, told by a chaotic storyteller, who starts from her borderline personality functioning to rewriting and reimagining neurodivergence collectively, through her everyday life, her art, music and a Hello Kitty duffel bag.

saturday 5 oct, 20:30 tickets on dice ↗

I Versi delle Mani
Marta Bellu

Through a synergy between music and choreography, the performance develops as a physical and sonic dialogue, where hands become expressive tools and words turn into gestures. The Verses of the Hands is a journey through air, space and fire, where bodies come alive in a delicate and vibrant balance.

sunday 6 oct, 18:00 tickets on dice ↗

Camilla Guarino and Giuseppe Comuniello

Like listening to a person’s heartbeat by resting your ear on their chest: Pornodrama is an intimate dance made up of bodies telling each other and words that may never be heard. Words that bring the viewer back to relive in his or her own way the physical experience of what is in front of them. A unique sensory experience that combines dance, drama and accessibility, creating a new language that speaks to all by inviting each viewer to explore his or her own perception.

sunday 6 oct, 20:00 tickets on dice ↗

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