There are artworks in your neighbourhood: take part in MAI+, Milan’s invented museum

Would you like to see a work of art on the streets of your neighbourhood? What if you could give a title to the crack on the wall you see every day on your way to school?

MAI+ is a museum on the streets of your city, but even before that it is an urban exploration, an observation of what surrounds us, an interpretation and a stance. A pretext to re-appropriate the power of looking, listening and perception.

I am walking down the street, a faded blue stain on the wall of a house with a splash of yellow paint to its right catches my attention, it is not a simple smudge, it is not a mistake, it seems like something more: I feel like I am looking at a work of art. I think: ‘Since I can decide, what would I like this work to be about?’.

I take time to concentrate. Yes, I think it should be about something important to me but it could also be about something important to someone else. I decide to give it a title and tell it. I would also like other people to see it and thus hear what I have to say. I had never thought that one could create a work of art without touching the material but using only one’s gaze, imagination and what I feel.

MAI+is about finding random signs and compositions in the spaces of the city through an experience of collective research and creation. Once identified, each of these unintentional creations will be given a museum caption that will include a title, technical details and a narrative. The potential works of art will at this point begin to exist and can no longer be ignored.

After the stop in Bologna, MAI+ lands in Milan, in the Barona, Giambellino and San Siro neighbourhoods: the mapping, identification of the works of art and the creation of captions and a catalogue will give rise to a moment of openness to the people living in the neighbourhoods and to the city in October 2024.

Are you between 15 and 18 years old or do you have a friend, a cousin, a neighbour in this age group?

We are looking for teenagers to imagine together the stories that will accompany the works of art found in the streets: we will train possible imaginations, give new meanings to the things we look at, take space in the city.

To register, write to The call will be open until June 10th.


→ June th: worskhop presentation and sharing of first content

→ June 18th and 19th: workshop exploration and wish sharing

→ + 2-day workshop to be defined with participants according to availability

→ End of September: return of the work

→ October 2024: inauguration + tour


F. De Isabella graduated in Filming and Photography at the Scuola Civica di Cinema in Milan and in 2009 co-founded the Strasse collective, a group that moved into the public space in the field of performance. He curates sound environments for dance and performance (including G.O.Nardin, C. Bersani). He questions artistic production practices from a transfeminist and queer perspective. From 2021 he resumes his authorial work with DICIOTTANNI and in 2023 he debuts with MAI+ in Bologna within FUORI! produced by ERT. He is currently engaged in the creation of TELE [film under construction].


MAI+ is a work by F. De Isabella; dramaturgy – Raffaele Tori, text – F. De Isabella, graphic design – Marzia Dalfini, accessible website – Stefano Castelli, consultancy and development – Giulia Traversi.
Realised for Base Milano with the support of Kin Lab, FUORI! FESTIVAL – ER T Emilia Romagna Teatro.


Nope! The workshop days are totally free of charge.

No specific expertise is required, just a little bit of imagination and creativity.

*The project is financed by Fondazione Cariplo within the framework of the Per La Cultura call for proposals.

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