
The Popping Sound of Bubble Wrap — Ilaria Cavaglià
The Popping Sound of Bubble Wrap — Ilaria Cavaglià
A series of functional sculptures, to give new value to "undesirable" materials (discarded packaging materials such as bubble wrap, polystyrene...
The ‘ORGANic club — Ziyi Lian  
The 'ORGANic club — Ziyi Lian  
A series of functional sculptures, to give new value to "undesirable" materials (discarded packaging materials such as bubble wrap, polystyrene...
The ‘ORGANic club — Ziyi Lian
The 'ORGANic club — Ziyi Lian
A series of functional sculptures, to give new value to "undesirable" materials (discarded packaging materials such as bubble wrap, polystyrene...
Giulia Del Gobbo — The body in the world of design
Giulia Del Gobbo — The body in the world of design
Designed initially for Italian CAM centers, activities and interactive objects are woven into a day-long workshop divided into three moments:...
CASE INVISIBILI: Dall’architettura dell’oppressione al Design immateriale della Libertà
CASE INVISIBILI: Dall’architettura dell’oppressione al Design immateriale della Libertà
Festival Divercity brings to BASE "CASE INVISIBILI", an event addressing crucial and topical issues related to urbanism in occupied territories,...
Material Futures — Central Saint Martins  
Material Futures — Central Saint Martins  
Material Futures is where science, technology and design collide. We invite practitioners from all fields of the creative industries to...
BEING WITH-IN — The Royal College of Art  
BEING WITH-IN — The Royal College of Art  
Architectural Design Studio 7, alongside other Design Studios from MA Architecture, MA City Design, MA Fashion at the Royal College...
DESIGN × SCIENCE — Slovak University of Technology
DESIGN × SCIENCE — Slovak University of Technology
DESIGN × SCIENCE presents design research projects by doctoral students from Faculty of Architecture and Design in Bratislava. Seven authors...
Escape to the Rooftop Studio — Elevator Radio  
Escape to the Rooftop Studio — Elevator Radio  
During Design Week, on BASE Milano's rooftop, Elevator Radio presents a journey to radical design, as we redefine reality and...
Weightless Visions — Tecnológico de Monterrey  
Weightless Visions — Tecnológico de Monterrey  
A travel kit created especially for Design Week based on personal needs and desires to feel close to one's hometown....

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