Barbara Stimoli & Titta Cosetta Raccagni — Pleasure Rocks
Barbara Stimoli & Titta Cosetta Raccagni in residenza a BASE

In residency since March 2, 2023

Titta Cosetta Raccagni is a transmedial art worker, her research and production, strongly influenced by issues of gender and sexuality, include the autobiographical work ‘Diario blu(E)’ and the project ‘Pornopoetica’. She is in residency at BASE together with Barbara Stimoli, dancer and performer, trained with Carolyn Carlson who created works such as ‘Vanitas’ collaborated on the project Pornopoetica. Their project, ‘Pleasure Rocks’ explores the relationship between organic and inorganic matter, deconstructing the anthropocentric idea of pleasure and creating a simpoietic interaction between human and non-human.