FAROUT Live Arts Festival: The Convivial Laboratory Pelin Tan — Radical Care: Survival – with and through


Collective learning and the creation of methodologies against slow violence, extractivism and forced eviction/migration lead to pedagogies of the commons in our urban, rural and grazing lands.

As Palestinian artist Jumana Manna writes, we strive to ‘imagine alternative/affirmative healing structures that remain, within and beyond current reality, aligned to plant and human life’. Navigating migrant ingredients, refugee seeds and exiled foods, we witness and become aware of extractive strategies, state-making and slow violence.
This conviviality is about non-extractive practices in dispossessed and cohabited landscapes. ‘Survival with’ and “through” food-seeking, composting, conservation and landscape design that together create relational phenomenologies.
  • Duration 90'
  • This event: can be enjoyed seated, is in Italian, does not include LIS, does not include poetic audio description.
    Is less more? In some cases, yes. As in this event! We have a limited number of places available. Therefore, if you have booked your place but cannot make it, we ask you to return your ticket to the waiting list so that another person can attend.

    We will be happy to answer all your questions, write to us at farout@base.milano.it

    In collaboration with: Erica Petrillo

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