In recent years, we have dwelt at length on how patriarchy harms women. On the negative impact it has on women’s employment, on domestic violence, on rights. But what are the effects of patriarchy on men? And on children? From the bestselling author of Bedtime Stories for Rebel Girls comes a reflection, and a collection of fairy tales, on what it means to grow up male today.
FAROUT Live Arts Festival Francesca Cavallo — Storie Spaziali per Maschi del Futuro

How does the world become when males refuse to wage war? Or when they do not have to be heroes to feel loved? Can there be a fairy tale in which the integrity of the prince matters more than that of the kingdom?
Francesca Cavallo is a writer, activist and entrepreneur born in Taranto in 1983. Author of 17 books including the worldwide bestseller ‘Bedtime Stories for Rebel Girls’ (8 million copies sold and translations into 50 languages), Cavallo has received many international awards for her innovative work in children’s literature. She has often self-published her projects, creating campaigns that have been studied worldwide. Last year, after her fifth campaign on Kickstarter, the crowdfunding site included her among the creators who made history on the platform. Cavallo has given speeches on the importance of representation at the Nobel Museum in Stockholm, the Massachusets Conference for Women in Boston, the Women in Tech Conference in Warsaw, the European Commission, and many other prestigious contexts, establishing herself as one of the most influential voices internationally on the issues of diversity and inclusion.
- Duration 60'
- Doors opening at 17:30
This performance: it can be enjoyed seated, it is in Italian, there is no translation in LIS, there is no poetic audio description.
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