Everything comes to an end


Meet BASE's associated artists wrapping up their three-year journey with a selection of works

The associated artists are collaborators, partners, and allies in the realization of BASE’s artistic production and territorial projects.
For the three-year period 2022/2024, BASE has chosen to support the work of Elisabetta Consonni, Corps Citoyen (Anna Serlenga and Rabii Brahim) and MOMBAO (Anselmo Luisi and Damon Arabsolgar ) who have accompanied our Program with co-curatela paths, moments of openness to the public and workshops dedicated to the community.
Together we experimented with practices of co-inhabitation of BASE spaces, opening up to new scenarios of observation and confrontation, tracing desirable trajectories towards an open, plural and democratic creative making.

So... is this getting serious?

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