FAROUT Live Arts Festival: The Convivial Laboratory Ester Azzola — Tra sacro e profano, un piatto di pasta


Azzola makes an ex voto of pasta, starting with the layering of meanings linked to pasta up to the ‘communion’ of the collective moment where they are cooked and eaten together.

Objects and space alter who we are and what we feel, just as we are able to alter the space and objects around us. Today we take an object, a substance, water and flour and modify it according to the intention of our thought and gesture into something sacred.

Pasta, a foodstuff of great diffusion and popularity, holds various meanings through which we can perceive its cultural importance as well as its sacred and symbolic connotations. During the workshop we will explore the meanings and sacrality of this food through the creation of pasta ex votos. Any object can be offered as an ex voto, what matters is the meaning with which it was intended to be invested at the time of the offering. The sacred value of the ex votos that we will make in the workshop, which are born as personal and autobiographical objects, will be given by the ritual of the final sharing, of the ‘communion’ of the collective moment where they will be cooked and eaten together.

  • Duration 90'
  • less is more? In some cases, yes. As in this meeting! We have a limited number of places available. Therefore, if you have booked your place but cannot make it, we ask you to return your ticket to the waiting list so that another person can attend.

    We will be happy to answer any questions you may have, write to us at farout@base.milano.it

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