We imagined BASE ten years from now...

...and we saw you: everything, anything you can do at BASE

by Redazione

you may already know us. We’re not just that place where you go to hang out, that has the photography exhibition on the first floor, the ape on the terrace, the ‘what’s going on at BASE during Design Week?
We are this, and much more: a cultural production centre with a public programme of events, a centre for residencies and experimentation at the intersection of art, music and design, and we are also a community hub that designs with and for the surrounding area.

If you are between 19 and 30 years old and are a tireless creator, or curator of the unexpected; organiser of events (strictly homemade) or navigator of controlled chaos; cultivator of community or restless thinker, we are looking for you to: overturn the perspective between those who produce and those who use, encouraging participation and youthful protagonism; experiment with new models, methods, paths and processes of cultural production, starting from practice; offer opportunities to grow, gain experience and even make mistakes: we will be your safe space to try, try again and try again.

We want to do this through regeneration projects, parties and festivals, field experiences, workshops and professional accompaniment paths.

So... is this getting serious?

Subscribe to our newsletter: you will find all the news on what we do, what we like and where we want to stay.